7 Bartender Tips for Beginners

February 6, 2023

If you’re a beginner, you should know a few things to make your first bartending experience go smoothly. Of course, the bartending industry is competitive, and taking advantage of every opportunity is important. But there are some things you can do to help make sure your first day behind the bar is smooth and successful. So follow these 7 bartender tips for beginners to get your bartending career off to a good start!

Get a TABC License

If you’re a new bartender, consider TABC License in Texas. This will help you to sell alcoholic beverages legally in Texas.

TABC certification is a requirement for most establishments in the state that sell alcohol, and it can be a great way to improve your chances of landing a job as a bartender.

You can get your TABC certification online through an approved provider. Once you’ve completed the course and passed the final exam, you’ll receive an official TABC certificate.

There are a lot of permits that you need to apply for to open your bar, restaurant, or liquor store. Getting them right is important because mistakes can cost you time and money.

Free Pouring

Learning to free pour is essential if you’re starting in the industry. This means pouring liquor and mixers without measuring them first. It’s a very useful skill when working at a bar that doesn’t use jiggers. Understanding which alcohol is most suitable for a given drink is also essential to being a good bartender. Almost all cocktail recipes use one of the six essential spirits (vodka, gin, rum, tequila, whiskey, and brandy) or a liqueur.

Tasting the Drinks You Make

As a bartender, it’s your job to taste everything you serve. If something tastes off, feel free to ask for a second opinion from another knowledgeable staff member.

There are many ways to improve your skills as a bartender, and the best way is to ask questions and seek out as much information as possible. You can do this in many ways, including reading books, attending conferences, or taking classes.

Improve Your Bartending Skills

Bartending is a fast-paced job requiring you to multitask, which can be difficult if you need to improve. For example, you need to be able to run payments, count up change and mix drinks simultaneously while keeping track of customers’ orders and returning their cash or credit cards to the proper owners.

It’s also important to have excellent communication skills to answer customers and co-workers’ questions effectively. This will help you get through your shifts and make you a more successful bartender.

Be Respectful

As a bartender, you will work with people from all walks of life. Some of these people will be friendly, but others might be aggressive. Respecting your customers and fellow staff is important when working behind the bar. This will help you to be a better bartender and make you more successful in the long run.

It is also important to be respectful of yourself and not get caught up in a conversation with one customer over the top of your other duties. This can slow down the pace of your work and cause you to miss out on other patrons waiting for you to serve them.

Keep Your Work Area Clean

A clean bar is one of the most important factors when making cocktails and serving customers. Conversely, a cluttered bar will prevent you from operating efficiently and can result in the loss of money.

With a clean workspace, finding things quickly and cleaner for your eyes will be easier. This can help boost your overall work ethic and your health!

Be Familiar with Different Recipes

Bartenders must be familiar with various cocktail recipes and have the skills to mix drinks quickly, accurately, and without waste. In addition to making and serving cocktails, bartenders also take payment for drinks, refill liquor supplies and glassware, keep the bar area clean, serve food to customers sitting at the bar, and keep enough ice and garnishes on hand. These tasks require attention to detail and a willingness to learn.

To be a successful bartender, you must master skills and tools, understand service and learn mixology. Get these things right, and you’ll be well on your way to a career as a professional bartender.

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