4 Essential Points to Learn for A Fire Warden in The Training

February 8, 2022

A fire warden plays an essential role in controlling the fires as well as maintaining the safety of life and property. The primary role of a fire warden is to help people evacuate a building safely and coordinate with the fire brigade service to put off the fire. Moreover, fire wardens assist emergency services and first aid service providers. 

Organizations don’t need to hire a fire warden. They can do so if they want to, but usually, wardens are members of the workplace which means, companies pick an employee and offer him/her fire training to hold the responsibility of fire protection warden. 

While the primary responsibility of a fire warden is to help people evacuate safely from a building, they also take care to prevent fire breakouts in an organization. They take care of all the things that can lead to a fire and check them regularly. 

In addition, fire wardens may use fire extinguishers, raise alarms, assist the disabled, and coordinate with other fire services. However, safe evacuation is among the top responsibilities of a fire warden. Here are some essential tips that you can learn from a fire warden in the training. 

Use the Safest Evacuation Route. 

After the fire warden or someone else sounds the alarm, everyone is required to leave the area immediately. You can encourage and help the people to evacuate the area in which there is a fire. If the rooms are particularly large and there are a lot of people, you can use a whistle or loudspeaker.

You need to thoroughly research the designated area to make sure no one is left behind. Check remote areas, shelters, restrooms, and any other places where people might be trapped in the fire. You must support people with disabilities and vulnerable people ​​where necessary. This may include ensuring that other employees are assigned to help them or organizing others to replace them.

Minimize the Spread of Fire and Smoke. 

A fire warden does everything possible to minimize the risk of fire, as long as it is safe and you can safely evacuate at any time. 

Decide If You Can Safely Fight the Fire.

You can learn from a fire warden to act in care of a fire and how to put off a fire. You should fight small fires in your area only if it is safe to do so. It means if you are properly trained and have the correct fire extinguisher. Fighting a fire when you are not trained or informed and when it gets out of hand can put not only you but others at risk.

Communicate with Authorities and Fire Services.

Visit the assembly point where people are supposed to gather after evacuating the building. Don’t go in or let anyone else do this. If anyone is missing or if someone is unable or unwilling to go, notify the emergency services. Working with other firefighters (if your organization has more than one) and with emergency services allows for a much safer and more complete evacuation. Provide emergency services with important details when they ask, like the location of the fire and its source.

Final Words

These are only a handful of things you can learn from a fire warden. When you work with a fire warden there is no limit to learning as you can do much to save the lives and assets of an organization. If you know the fire warden in your company, contact them today to learn the things mentioned in this post and get ready to help others in a fire emergency.

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