
5 Common Signs You Need New Home Flooring

Is your home in need of a fixer-upper?

Even with good home maintenance, you can’t always avoid replacements and repairs. If your home is looking a little worse for wear, it may be time to consider some renovations. When the time comes, it’s best not to put it off to avoid further damage that can result in injuries.

One component you must never overlook is your home flooring. Here are the top five signs you need new flooring. Read on to find out more.

Evident Deterioration

Cracked tiles, stained carpets, and peeling floors are signs of home flooring deterioration. These can come from a variety of factors, such as moisture and foot traffic. If left alone, the damage can spread to other parts.

Moreover, it can lead to alarming problems, such as pest infestation and water damage. Mold can spread, which can be bad news for your health.


The discoloration is normal on all types of flooring. However, it can reduce the visual appeal of the interior.

Low-quality materials, harsh chemicals, and other environmental conditions lead to flooring discoloration. The vinyl flooring color starts to fade when exposed to moisture because it isn’t waterproof. Exposure to light and stains causes discoloration on hardwood floors.

You can deep clean and wash home flooring to bring back its color. However, some discoloration is hard to remove and even harmful. Mold and mildew reappear and cause fading on floors.

Consider changing home flooring if cleaning can’t solve the issue. It can restore the aesthetic of your house and reduce health risks.

Noisy Floors

Squeaking, creaking, or screeching sounds from your floor are signs of old age. This is often a result of uneven surfaces, improper installation, and rotting materials. Noises are warning signs that can lead to severe problems when not fixed right away.

Ask for help from a professional flooring installer to determine the problem. They can recommend you solutions and flooring options to consider, too.

Water Damage

High humidity, clogged gutters, and leaking ceilings cause water damage. Wiping and drying the floor surface can’t prevent water from traveling underneath.

Also, Read: What to Do After a Water Pipe Burst

Water damage can result in molds, dark stains, and soft and rotting floors. It can spread to the whole home flooring if you fail to fix it right away. You must get the affected area repaired and replace the floors.

Allergies Acting Up

Are your allergies acting up despite taking your medication? Pollen, dust, and molds are common triggers of allergies. The allergens travel to your home flooring, which causes continuous allergic reactions.

Replacing the type of flooring can stop the allergy. Carpet catches allergens, and laminate wood contains high VOC.

Choose a hypoallergenic home flooring. Some of them are stone, tile, hardwood, and vinyl. You can visit for many flooring options to consider.

When Do You Need New Home Flooring?

Here are some common signs you need new home flooring. Take this opportunity to refresh your home’s aesthetic and make it safe for you and your family.

Are you in need of other home renovations? Don’t worry; we got you covered. Consider checking out our other blog posts for more great guides on home repair such as one on ‘Kitchen Floor Trend.’

Alex Smith


  • Masters of Engineering from Cambridge University


  • Coding and Web development
  • Smart platforms
  • Software reviews


  • He is a technical expert of software development
  • He loves writing reviews of apps, tools, and software
  • He is fond of coding
  • He is concerned about web security


Alex Smith is a passionate technical writer. He is an M.Tech Degree holder with 6 years of experience in software development. His contents are core-technical with profound grammar. His notions of writing are similar to world-leading personalities and hence technical geeks can rely upon his information blindfolded. He spends all his time researching the most searched technical issues and provides a straightforward solution to it so that his non-tech-savvy readers can take benefit too.

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