Writing Problems Students Face When They Write Papers

November 15, 2022

Writing a paper can be a challenging task, and all students face similar problems in writing their paper; finding a person who will supervise them, how to make deadlines, inadequate materials, as well as how to find a topic that is advisable to write about. When students try to write their papers, they suddenly find themselves in a world of texts that are governed by functions and rules different from any kind of discourse they have ever met before. It is within these circumstances, that students shall organize their writing process and familiarize themselves with the scholarly process of note-taking, reading, collecting data, recording, formulating ideas, argumentation, revising, finding structures, and so on. In that regard, they shall learn to argue and think about the knowledge obtained.

If students lack writing skills and have a lot of problems with writing, they often prefer to ask to write paper for me help from reputable services to save their time and avoid sleepless nights in front of a blank page.

A student writes for a specific reason. For various purposes, the paper’s content, context, and style changed. As a result, during the writing process, a student is on his or her own. He or she must consider the audience for the paper. What is written, how it is written, and who the writer is, are all shaped by his or her background knowledge and the social interactions in which he or she participates (Kucukler & Icen, 2014). Therefore, writing properly means not only being able to write in the correct form, such as in terms of vocabulary and grammar, but also in the proper kind for the specific work (Kucukler & Icen, 2014).

Also, Read to Know: What is Essay Writing? Is It Important for Students?

A student, in writing a paper, faces sets of constraints that must be considered. These sets of constraints include surrounding the entire process of decision-making. These sets include context wherein the situation in which the writing takes place affects the outcome. Time and space are factors of context. Students frequently want to know how long a paper must be. Another significant factor is the setting in which writing occurs — does it permit deep thought or are there so many interruptions and distractions that the writer cannot reflect on the issue thoughtfully (Kingen, 2000)? Another context factor is resources, which includes access to reference materials and library facilities. This context can actually be controlled by students when writing papers. Some students go off somewhere to be undisturbed when they work or set aside specific times of the day for writing when they know they are most productive.

Writing is one of the most important priorities of educational institutions. Although some students are equipped to undertake research and write a paper, many find it difficult to express their ideas in a logical and easily accessible form. Other students have trouble with, for example, structuring the paper as a whole, organizing information, and writing convincing arguments. There are also students who find it difficult to write linguistically acceptable sentences, choose appropriate words, and undertake the technical editing of the paper. Lourens (2007) enumerates other problems that hamper a student in the process of designing, carrying out, and writing a paper. These include: 

  • insufficient evidence of academic expertise and standards, because the student starts to write because he or she has rigorously explored the topic; 
  • lack of focus on the topic, so that the student becomes lost in a mass of irrelevant data;
  • carelessness with regard to referencing and data;
  • lack of evidence of familiarity with pertinent research techniques; 
  • poor planning and organization of the writing task; 
  • poor coherence or cohesion; 
  • weak argumentation or insufficient logical reasoning; and presentation with many typing and linguistic errors and flawed referencing techniques (Lourens, 2007).

Students face problems in writing a paper as well as in meeting the writing requirements of the school. These problems include, but are not limited to, inadequate materials or lack of resources, how to make deadlines, difficulty in organizing information, difficulty in structuring the paper, and difficulty in writing convincing arguments. Problems likewise include undertaking the technical editing of the paper, choosing the appropriate words, and difficulty in writing linguistically acceptable sentences. These problems can be dealt with by the students by familiarizing themselves with scholarly processes such as formulating ideas, recording, collecting data, taking down notes, revising, and other processes.

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