How to Clean and Prepare Your Wood-Burning Heater Before Starting the Cold Season

January 2, 2023

The aesthetic and warmth of a wood fireplace can make your hours of relaxation feel borrowed. In Australia, most wood-burning heaters are left for the cold season and take a holiday break for the remaining part of the year. Unknown to most, these heaters require regular maintenance for the best performance. 

Deadwood fireplaces can harbor pests and build up impurities. It is highly recommended to clean your wood fireplace even in the warm season. Moreover, you will be able to take it up a notch for a deeper clean since it is not functional. 

This article lists the three steps for cleaning and preparing your wood burner for optimum performance in the winter. Keep reading to find out the must-know maintenance tips.

Also, Read to Know: 6 Water Heater Maintenance Tips

Inspect Your Wood Burning Heater 

Before the cold season hits again, it’s advisable to inspect your wood fireplace thoroughly. Anything from cracks, holes, or any compromise to the structure is a red flag. 

If you notice irregularities early, it will save you the last-minute rush to call in an expert technician who may have to offer poor services. It also provides more time to shop for a new appliance if necessary without leaving your comfort and health to the hands of the gruesome winter cold. You will also enjoy fair prices, unlike when these heaters are on many people’s to-buy list. 

Ashes and Creosote

The ‘harmless’ old ashes may go for seasons on your fireplace until the snowflakes set in. While your fireplace’s efficiency partly depends on clearing these ashes and creosote build-up, so does your safety. Ashes lower efficiency by absorbing heat and may have impurities that contaminate the internal atmosphere. Be sure to sweep and vacuum the ashes before lighting the heater. 

Creosote results from the condensation of unburnt gases and usually accumulates in your system’s pipes, chimneys, or flue. The bad news is this substance is flammable and may lead to accidental fires. You can eliminate creosote effortlessly with an extended wire brush for chimneys.

Brush the Fireplace Walls

When left unattended for long periods, your wood fireplace leaves an oily residue on the walls, which promotes bacteria and fungus development. This is especially true if you take your barbecue needs to the fireplace. It may feel sticky, especially on the walls, floor, and grills. 

Brush your fireplace to strip away impurities, soot, and grime, which pollute the atmosphere. This brings back the fireplace’s original color and lustre.

The aftermath is a clean wood fireplace that can double as your woodfired pizza oven for the most delicious meals. 

Clean the Glass Door

Most Sydney space heaters are fitted with a glass door to regulate the heat flow in the room. By cleaning the door, you can restore its clarity. The glass doors are like windows that allow you to relish the fantastic and unobstructed view of the center of the fireplace. You can effortlessly feed your eyes with the dancing flames. 

This visual connection to the fire has some therapeutic effects and promotes a comforting feeling of peace and tranquillity. You don’t have to look twice to know a dirty glass window. On the other hand, a clean window speaks of a responsible homeowner keen on detail. 


The above are numerous ways to guide you to step into the winter with all the warmth and coziness you need. These preparation techniques cut across if you have woodfired ovens or outdoor heaters in Sydney. Whether you require a professional’s view of your wood fireplace or need a replacement to your old fireplace, choose a credible company with a good portfolio. Always lookout for great and high-quality fireplaces with a top-up of excellent customer service.

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