Benefits of Field Management Service Software

January 12, 2023

Let’s begin with the advantages of the field management service software.

They are listed here:

  • Increased team productivity.
  • Reducing maintenance costs.
  • Improving the quality of assistance.
  • Operational plus analytical reporting.


  • Distance learning and field testing of personnel.
  • Monitoring the actions and movements of subordinate employees.
  • Planning work, setting goals, and analyzing results.
  • Development of systems of material and non-material motivation.

Organization of work of field staff: 

  • Formation of goals and terms of their achievement for each employee.
  • Planning territories, routes, and visiting schedules.
  • Creation of scripts (sequence of steps) and mandatory actions of the visit.
  • Preparation of questionnaires and questionnaires.
  • Setting tasks and reminders for a visit.
  • Field training, coaching, and testing of field staff.
  • Operational monitoring and control.
  • The online feed of employee activities.
  • Phone Monitoring GPS Tracks on the Map.
  • Automatic detection of deviations from the route, problems, and violations.
  • Monitoring the execution of plans.
  • Tracking task completion.
  • Monitoring stages and learning outcomes.
  • Sending push notifications and messages.

Analysis, and Optimization

Analysis of the results of the working day of employees (completed operations, mileage, percentage of plan completion).

Detailed reports for a detailed analysis of the performance of each employee and the team as a whole.

Assessment and balancing of territories, route editing, optimization of visit schedules.

Formation of individual training and development programs for employees.

Staff Automation

Optimization and field management service software of fieldwork, fast information transfer, reduction of errors and costs. System Technologies offers flexible solutions for the development of the territory and the qualitative increase in sales.

A convenient tool for collecting orders, working at points of sale, and online data transfer. Provides efficient service to retail outlets to increase sales, reduce costs and develop the territory.


  • Sales growth in the reporting territory.
  • Increase in the number of served outlets and visits.
  • Minimization of mistakes, returns, mis-grading, and under-shipments.
  • Staff optimization and client loyalty growth.

Solution possibilities:

  • Collecting an order.
  • Following the script of the visit.
  • Fast ordering and returns.
  • Online submission of an application from a point of sale.
  • Reservation of goods in warehouses.
  • Printing documents on the route.
  • Mode of operation in terms of the central office.
  • Multi-warehouse accounting.

Individual approach to retail outlets – Automatic calculation of the recommended order; individual prices, bonuses, and discounts; personal product matrices; push notifications about the triggering of promotions.

We can add:

  • Convenient and understandable application.
  • Displaying the route and territory on the map.
  • Fast form filling.
  • Automation of calculations and calculations.
  • Smart search and well-thought-out filter system.
  • Electronic Presenter Mode.
  • Burst photography.
  • Scan barcodes.
  • Full offline mode.

Online access to the accounting system contains a history of orders and relationships; current debt on clients; reference books from the accounting system and notifications from the manager.

Control and self-control:

  • Accounting for working hours and vehicle mileage
  • Fixation of actions and movements
  • Information about the reference coordinates and deviation from them
  • Automatic binding of the visit to the coordinates of the outlet
  • Displaying the percentage of plan completion
  • Protection against spoofing of photos and coordinates
  • Automatic generation and sending of a report on a working day.

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