4 Common Image Formatting Mistakes to Avoid for Business Websites

By Ankit
March 7, 2022

It is estimated that at least 1.7 billion websites exist today. If you have a business website and want to stand out, you have to look into every aspect of website design. 

If someone were to happen upon your website and it was filled with images that didn’t look right, they probably won’t stay for long. You can sell the best product in the world and have all the information necessary, but if it looks wrong, you won’t convert customers easily.

To avoid this, read our guide below to learn four common image formatting mistakes, so you can ensure your website is one of the best out there. 

1. Uploading Without Optimizing 

If you haven’t optimized your images for your website, your pages will load much slower. You can easily lose a customer if they have to wait around for a link to load. 

This primarily concerns your file size, such as when you convert png to jpg, not the dimensions of your pictures. If your file size is too big, your pages will load slow, but if they are too small, the visual quality of the images will diminish. 

To get the file size right, you have to find the happy medium between the actual size and the composition. 

2. Image Resolution is Low

If you upload an image to your website and it doesn’t look right, it’s most likely due to a resolution issue. You want to aim for your image resolution to be between 72 PPI to 120 PPI. 

If you were editing your website photos beforehand to resize a smaller image and make it bigger, you might end up with a blurry photo. The smaller image probably has a low resolution, which just stretched out the pixels when you made it bigger. 

Instead, try only to make bigger photos smaller when editing, as this will keep the resolution higher. This is one of the major reasons why firms prefer hiring a professional web designer.

3. Focal Point is Not Obvious

The crop button is one of the most essential image formatting tools. You want to make sure the focal point is obvious; otherwise, your picture becomes less meaningful.

Make sure you don’t crop out anything important and don’t crop it too close. The fewer pixels you have, the lower the resolution, so keep it minimal. 

4. Inappropriate Composition

Composition deals with the placing of images for websites. You have to use the space appropriately, or your images and the entire website will look off. 

Depending on the photo colors and sizes, you need to consider how you will use the positive and negative space. Use leading lines to draw your users’ attention, and arrange your photos in groups of three or more. 

If you better consider the composition of your images, your formatting will look much more put together. 

Don’t Make These Common Image Formatting Mistakes

When making a business website, there’s a lot to consider, and avoiding these common image formatting mistakes should be at the top of your list. 

Don’t lose out on potential customers. Make sure your website looks the best it possibly can. 

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