How to Stimulate Website Conversion with Different Push Alert Marketing Channels!

By Ankit
January 10, 2023

They say push notifications have lost their touch in the marketing industry, but the truth is you cannot shut doors to email WordPress push notifications, SMS, or app push notifications. 

Although it has been a dilemma for the business to decide which marketing channel will boost up the sales to their maximum limit? 

Well, let’s move forward, and you can read it yourself and decide what’s best for your business health!

Web Push Notifications 

Web push notifications have evolved and appreciated over time, and their emergence created plenty of profits for businesses. 

Although, it is a misconception that SMS, app push notifications, or emails are considered to be similar to web push notifications but they work differently targeting the same goal.

Web Push notifications do not rely on app installation on a smartphone. Also, such web pop-ups can be opened on mobile, tablet, and desktop.

 Website push notification increases user engagement along with driving repeat visitors to the website. These eye-catching push notifications do not let users’ attention miss what you intend to offer through these web pop-ups. The marketers are investing big time as they had measured its potential a long time ago.

Advantages of Web Push Notifications

  • Customize and personalize according to your wish. 
  • Why download the app if you can simply bring users through the website.
  • Null spam rate
  • Do not require users’ history details to re-engage them on your website. 
  • Less user-annoying which leads to lower opt-out rates. 

Disadvantages of Web Push Notifications

  • Not friends with safari 
  • Unsupportive of media content
  • Once blocked it’s gone forever.
  • Limited Character permission


The traditional email marketing method provides an opportunity to grab the user’s attention. But then spam spilled water all over the place as users started getting irritated with undesirable mails in their inbox.

However, modern problems led to modern solutions as permission emails cleared the pollution caused by spam and users will be delivered with emails related to your products and services. You can send website links through email marketing and let the user read and click on the link to reach your website.

Advantages of Email 

  • Numerous amounts of information can be sent with ease.
  • Quite interactive marketing channel
  • You can store attachments for further reference
  • Easily shareable.

Disadvantages of Email

  • You can miss out on messages due to emails-full inboxes.
  • Usually, due to a lack of software from the user’s side, attachments might not open.
  • Prone to virus
  • Internet connection required.

WooCommerce Push Notifications help your users to check their emails for any important message you might desire to convey to your users.


You can drive users to your website by providing all the required information in an instant. SMS are hard to ignore as users are needed to delete them from their phones manually by going to their inboxes. The only risk that comes with it is if the user feels annoyed with such SMS, then he/she can put them on the Do Not Disturb list which will prevent you from sending them SMS anymore.

Today users’ consent towards sending them promotional messages has become a crucial aspect. There are times when a company attaches links to the SMS, but they must be mobile-optimized otherwise you can risk losing customers if they get irritated.

Advantages of SMS

  • Widely reachable
  • The communication process is two-way.
  • Does not require an internet connection.
  • Download it for free

Disadvantages of SMS

  • They are a costly deal.
  • Requires cell coverage
  • Does not get along with media content.
  • You cannot find out if the user read your SMS.

App Push Notifications 

WooCommerce push notifications have proven to be one of the best marketing channels that boost user engagement along with customer retention.

WordPress Push Notification offers developers a way through which users get notified of the latest deals and collections even when they are not active on the app. In the beginning, e-commerce websites earned loads of profits through these app notifications by bringing users back to the app and persuading them to make some purchases.

Advantages of App Push Notifications

  • They provide the necessary information.
  • Way cheaper than SMS.
  • App push notifications can be personalized according to the user.

Disadvantages of App Push Notifications

  • Both building and maintenance cost is high
  • Difficult to get approved by iOS

Final Analysis

Like every coin has two facets, similarly, every marketing channel discussed above owns both sets of advantages and disadvantages. It relies on your working of the organization what set of marketing channels will suit your business in the best possible manner. 

Although you need to make sure that you don’t overdo it as the users have the option to opt-out of your only way of interacting with your target audience. Also, do not set hopes on one particular marketing channel, try multiple channels and then measure where you receive the best possible results.

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