5 Maintenance Tips to Extend Equipment Life and ROI

January 13, 2023

Maintaining machine tools is important for ensuring that your operation runs smoothly. As machine tool professionals, we are always looking for ways to increase the lifespan of our machines so we can get a return on investment and a little more. This article will give you a machine maintenance checklist from Wiley Metal Fabricating that will help keep your machine running strong for a long time.

1. Check Lubrication

One of the most common machine maintenance tips is to always make sure that lubrication systems are working well. If you don’t do this, you run the risk of machine parts seizing up or wearing out faster than they should. 

As a general rule, check lubrication levels daily and monthly based on machine type and volume. Check for high temperatures weekly that could indicate a ventilation problem with the machine’s power supply system. However, make sure the machine has had time to cool down first.

Also, check power supply voltage levels every day. Voltage fluctuations can cause motor burnout, excessive thermal buildup, or even machine failure! Power supplies should be checked weekly for high temperatures that could indicate a machine’s cooling system problem.

2. Inspection of the Cab System

According to the machine maintenance checklist, inspecting the cab system daily is essential to prevent any safety issues. Check for proper operation of all warning light indicators, clear visibility through windows and doors, ease of movement around the machine, and clearance between machine and structures or machine and other machines.

For this one, inspect machine tool spindles, coolant pumps, hydraulic valves, ball screws, and bearings every day to make sure that they are running smoothly and not making unusual noises.

3. Check Alignments

It is important to always check machine tool alignments as part of your daily machine inspection in machine maintenance. This will ensure that the machine doesn’t have any misalignment issues, which could cause premature wear or damage or affect product quality.

To perform a quick alignment on machine tools, move the table manually through its full range and record overall machine deflection in the machine’s datum plane. This can be done with a dial indicator or by measuring overall machine deflection in the datum plane.

We recommend that you get an alignment check done on your machine once a month or at least once a quarter by professionals who have experience with machine tool alignments.

4. Inspect the Engine Compartment

Engine maintenance is an important part of machine tool maintenance as well. You should check the engine compartment daily to make sure that there are no leaks and the oil level is correct.

To be safe, have the machine tuned up professionally annually if possible to avoid major malfunctions with the equipment or damage that can lead to expensive repairs or replacements.

Make sure your machine is properly lubricated, operating correctly, and has had time to cool down after use before performing an inspection. By implementing a preventative maintenance program, you can minimize the damage caused by malfunctions and extend the life of your equipment.

5. Record Everything

It is important to record everything, regardless of whether there are any issues, as stated in the machine maintenance checklist. Having this information can be useful for diagnostics and troubleshooting later on and for remembering your procedures in the future.

For example, you can record the lubricant levels of each machine daily and any power supply voltage fluctuations. Also, record anything unusual with your cab system inspection and keep track of all alignments that are performed for future reference!

Keep a record of every machine tool inspection, including whether or not issues were found to help diagnose problems later on, and keep track of any alignments done for future reference.

Everything considered, there are many different ways to maintain your metal fabrication tools to ensure the best possible performance and lifetime. However, between all the various tips, it’s important to remember that no single person or company has all the required knowledge of every machine tool in operation today. That is why consulting with an experienced professional can help you ensure your safety and equipment reliability while achieving maximum ROI!

Most of these maintenance tips are easy to implement and follow, but some of them may require purchasing new tools or accessories that can help diagnose malfunctions and other issues. However, this is an investment that will save time and money in the long run.

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