Six Best Ways to Transform Your Home Decor Into a Classic One

February 8, 2022

Decorating your home is not as easy as it might seem like, regardless of the size of the space. What elements should you focus on? Which ones would look mismatched in a room? Are wooden chairs necessary or a thing of the past? Transforming your beautiful home into a classic one comes with loads of questions to be answered. So, from hanging a painting to choosing the right color palette, here are the best ways to approach your home décor.  

1. Start by Getting the Colour Palette Right 

If you want your home to have a classic look and vibe, you need to start by getting the color palette right. It is best to choose neutral shades for painting the walls while keeping the furniture in brighter colors. Think of dark green or brown sofas and chairs in front of grey, beige, or white walls. 

2. Decorate Those Walls with Paintings 

You should also consider decorating the walls with paintings of your choice. Whether it is an accent wall or a simple grey wall, you can change the look of the entire space by putting up a painting. It is especially suitable for the focus wall of your living room. 

3. Put Retro Chandeliers at Proper Places 

The good idea is to replace those modern chandeliers with period lights, especially in the living room. It also helps if you can cleverly place two iron fixtures at separate heights. This high-low placement is attractive and tends to add some depth to any space. Think of it as a multipurpose décor element that truly lights up the room. 

4. Chairs to Add Personality to the Décor  

Chairs are a great piece of furniture that you can use to add some personality to a space. Besides, you can get good quality chairs these days at a reasonable price. So, get a wooden chair in dark brown or black and pop it in front of the painting in the living room. 

5. Classic Elements and Modern Lines in the Kitchen 

Clean and modern lines with dark cabinets look amazing with other classic details of your home. You can have ceiling medallions, intricate plaster appliques, and conventional moldings to balance out the other elements. The fact is that each of these aspects are contrasting, which will make every element stand out. 

6. Pay Attention to the Finer Details of the Space 

Remember that each space in each wall in your apartment needs to have some detail used on it – right from the kitchen, hallways, to the living room. When you make sure that each space gets the same treatment, the entire apartment has a flow, and the décor looks cohesive. 

The Final Advice 

When buying anything to decorate your home, remember to invest in it only when you truly like it. It’s better to use a makeshift bedside table made of a box rather than go for a table that you never liked but bought out of necessity. Also, try to shop online for home décor because there is more variety.

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