How to Avoid Dental Emergencies?

December 5, 2022

According to Electric Teeth, in 2020, 16% of UK people required emergency dental care. Tooth decay was a factor in 46% of reported cases. 76% of British adults have fillings in their teeth, and 66% have one tooth removed.

All too often, we are unprepared for dental emergencies. Not being prepared for a dental emergency means you must go to the hospital, be referred to emergency dentists, and finally wait in the waiting room, which wastes time. Read to learn how to avoid dental emergencies.

Never Bite Down on Hard Food

The harder the food is, the easier it can cause damage to your teeth and gums. It’s important not to bite down on anything that isn’t soft enough to be chewed easily.

You should also avoid chewing ice, hard candies, or gum with sugar because these can damage enamel—the protective layer on your teeth—leading to cavities.

In addition, you shouldn’t chew on toothpicks, pens/pencils/other hard objects because this puts unnecessary pressure on your teeth and gums, which could lead to chipping or breaking enamel.

Brush, and Floss

Brushing removes plaque, an invisible film that forms on teeth after eating or drinking. Plaque contains bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease if not removed. Flossing helps remove food particles left between the teeth when brushing from hard-to-reach areas between teeth where it’s difficult to brush with a toothbrush alone.

You should brush twice daily, use fluoride toothpaste, and limit sugary foods and drinks. They also advise you to use soft-bristled toothbrushes instead of medium or hard ones because they cause less damage to gums when appropriately used.

Being Cautious While Playing Sports

There are certain precautions that you should take when playing sports so that you can avoid dental emergencies.

First, wear a mouthguard while playing any contact sport. A mouth guard will protect your teeth from being damaged by an errant ball or elbow to the face during play. Ensure the mouth guard fits properly and is not too thick to interfere with your ability to breathe or speak while wearing it.

Second, be careful when chewing gum while playing sports because it can cause serious dental problems if swallowed accidentally. Gum can become lodged in your throat or cause choking if swallowed accidentally during play, resulting in severe injury or even death if not addressed immediately. 

Don’t Use Your Teeth to Open Bottles

Whether you’re trying to open a bottle of soda or some other beverage, this can be a recipe for disaster. Not only are you at risk for cracking your tooth on the cap, but you’re also at risk for opening up the inside of your mouth and exposing yourself to bacteria and germs. Instead of using your teeth, try using a bottle opener. 

Get Regular Dental Checkups

Your dentist will detect developing issues before they become serious, preventing them from worsening and saving you money and pain. During your appointment, your dentist will examine teeth, mouth, and gums for any signs of trouble. It includes checking for cavities or gum disease. The dentist will also look for signs that you need more extensive dental care, such as a root canal or tooth extraction.

The frequency of your dental visits should vary based on your individual needs. Everyone should see a dentist at least bi-annually for regular cleanings. 

Don’t Ignore Teeth Grinding

Tooth grinding or bruxism is a common problem. It occurs when your jaw muscles contract and relax involuntarily, causing your teeth to move against each other. It can lead to wearing down the enamel, chipping or cracking teeth, and breaking crowns or fillings.

If you’re experiencing pain or discomfort in your jaw, earaches, headaches, or even neck pain, try getting a mouth guard against your dentist.

A mouth guard is a soft device that fits over your upper teeth. You wear it during sleep to protect the teeth from grinding against each other and causing harm. It also helps keep the jaw in its proper position.

Eat Healthy and Drink Enough Water

Eating healthy means choosing foods that have lots of vitamins and minerals but don’t have too much sugar or fat. You can eat whole grains, lots of fruits and vegetables, and lean proteins like chicken breast or tuna fish.

Drinking enough water helps you stay hydrated, so your body can flush out toxins in the mouth. It also enables you to maintain a healthy weight so that many other health problems won’t develop.

Be proactive in your dental care by keeping track of any discomfort that you’re experiencing. All it takes is one missed opportunity to cause a significant dental emergency and destroy the teeth you worked so hard to keep healthy.

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