7 Surprising Ways to Diet Restart Your Metabolism 

March 4, 2022

We accuse our defective metabolism when we can’t lose weight or when our weight loss plateaus. Can you reverse the impact of consuming particular metabolism-boosting foods if metabolism is to blame?

Fixing a Broken Metabolism

Possibly. What we consume can alter our metabolic process, making it more or less efficient. However, before changing your diet, you must first understand how your metabolism works.

We all know that the process of weight loss needs more activity and fewer calories.

However, your metabolism plays a significant role in weight loss. During this phase, your body becomes a more effective machine when it burns fat and calories quicker, making you healthier and weight reduction simpler.

The time you get older, it becomes even harder to get your metabolism going, and it becomes even more important to know how to boost metabolism:

1. Keep Up Your Calorie Intake

If you drop how many calories you take in, your metabolism thinks food is scarce and slows down to conserve your energy, and puts the breaks on fat-burning to save energy.

2. Get More Rest

The quantity of decent sleep you get might significantly impact your weight.

According to research, sleep deprivation instigates your hunger and appetite hormones to go out of whack.

An extended study consisted of four years of research by the University of Wisconsin, adults who sleep for just five hours each night regularly had 14.9 percent higher levels of hunger-inducing ghrelin levels and 15.5 percent lower levels of appetite-suppressing leptin and Stanford University.

3. Green Tea

In a study published in the journal Phytomedicine, green tea not only contains enough antioxidants to keep colds and the flu away, but it also boosts your metabolism. Researchers discovered that those who consumed the equivalent of three to five cups of coffee every day for three months lost 5% of their body weight.

4. Become More Active

Although it may seem difficult, you can – and should – exercise every day.

Cardiovascular activity (running, swimming, aerobics, and walking) increases your metabolism, aids in calorie burning, and can even temporarily decrease your appetite afterward.

But don’t give all the credit to your metabolism to exercise alone.

Weightlifting is also beneficial because it strengthens muscles and increases lean tissue mass, burning more calories per pound than fat. You burn more calories each day if you have greater lean muscular tissue.

5. Reduce the Effects of Common Stresses

Stress may cause the body to process food more slowly, according to a study published in the journal Biological Psychiatry. When we’re worried, we desire greasy, sugary foods to worsen this situation. 

According to researchers, a combination of high-calorie cravings and a stress-induced, slow metabolic rate can lead to considerable weight gain. Laughing can help you lose weight and boost your metabolism, and smiling and laughing have been shown to lower stress hormone levels in studies. So, laughing can help you here, and a stress relief vitamin patch that is 100% natural.

6. Do a High-Intensity Workout

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) comprises short bursts of highly intense activity.

You can continue to burn fat even after your workout is over by increasing your metabolic rate. HIIT is thought to have a stronger effect than other forms of exercise. Furthermore, HIIT has been found to increase fat burning. In one research, 12 weeks of high-intensity exercise decreased fat mass by 4.4 pounds (2 kg) and abdominal fat by 17 percent in overweight young men.

7. Choose Organic

According to research, obesogens chemical food preservatives may have contributed to the recent surge in obesity rates. Obesogens are yet to be clearly understood, but scientists believe they affect hunger metabolism or induce cells to transform into fat cells. So eat organic wherever possible, and try to stay away from the “dirty twelve,” a list of fruits and vegetables thought to contain the most pesticides.

Our Metabolism and Genetics

Genetics plays the biggest role in metabolism, but some variations are seen among certain ethnic groups.

Because muscle burns more calories than fat even at rest, lean muscle mass, which accounts for around a 5% variation between men and women, impacts metabolism, you can raise your metabolic rate even if you aren’t actively working out.


Determining to change and learning to listen to your bio-individual needs are the first steps toward resetting your metabolism. Since everybody functions differently, it’s crucial to explore and figure out what works best for you! Consult your Nutritionist doctor before starting to incorporate healthy lifestyle changes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Enlist the Foods That Increase Metabolism?

  • Foods high in protein. Consuming protein-rich foods such as meat and fish as well as eggs and dairy can help you burn more calories for a few hours.
  • Mineral-rich foods
  • Chili peppers
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Beans and legumes
  • Ginger
  • Cacao

2. What is the Three-Week Metabolism Diet?

You can use the 3-Week Metabolism Diet Guide as a 3-Phase Nutrition Plan designed to balance your hormones, stabilize your blood sugar, and enhance your metabolism. Each phase of the 3-Week Metabolism Diet builds on one another until you are a fat-burning, weight-destroying machine.

3. What are the Foods That Boost Metabolism for a Flat Stomach?

The following are some foods that will help you burn fat:

  • Milk and yogurt
  • Green vegetables
  • Fish
  • Green tea and green coffee
  • Nuts and seeds

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