When Stress Threatens to Take Over, These Strategies Can Get You Back on Track

December 5, 2022

There are many aspects that differentiate people from one another, from the cultures and backgrounds they come from, the values they uphold, and the lifestyles they lead to their career paths, responsibilities, hobbies, and personal preferences. Each one of us is a unique mix of traits and characteristics that distinguishes us from everyone else.    

However, in these modern times, we live in, there’s one common denominator that unites us all: stress. Whether you’re a stay-at-home parent, an employee who works a 9 to 5 job, or a busy entrepreneur, you’re bound to experience some degree of stress at some point. Obviously, the risk of developing chronic stress varies from one person to another, based on biological, psychological, socio-economic, and lifestyle factors, but the point is we’re all in this together because it’s simply impossible to go through life without feeling any stress. And we shouldn’t even aspire to that. 

Things become problematic when stress levels are too high and unmanageable, affecting every other aspect of your life. That’s when you have to fight back and look for solutions to keep stress within reasonable limits. The difficulty in doing that comes from the fact that not everyone has the time or possibility to remove themselves from stressful situations. It’s not very realistic to tell someone dealing with high-stress levels to just go to therapy, take a long holiday, or quit their job. If it were that easy, stress wouldn’t be such a huge issue. 

Therefore, you have to find practical ways to cope with the stress that you can actually apply to your specific circumstances, and that’s exactly what we’re going to discuss in this article. 

What is Stress?

Drawing from Sun Tzu’s teachings, if you want to defeat your enemies, you have to know them closely. So, it’s important to know what stress is and where it comes from if you want to keep it under control. 

Stress is the body’s natural response to a concerning or challenging situation that manifests in the form of physical, emotional, or phycological tension. Thus, it’s a normal human reaction all people have when they feel threatened or overwhelmed by certain demands. There are many things that can trigger a stress response, from seemingly minor events, like getting ready for an exam or dealing with deadlines at work, to major life changes, like moving to a new city or getting a divorce. 

Common stress symptoms include increased heart rate, difficulty breathing, sleep problems, fatigue, racing thoughts, constant worrying, and a whole range of emotions that can affect the quality of life. It is pretty obvious why stress has a negative connotation, but not all stress is bad. Sometimes, stress can stem from positive situations like an upcoming wedding or getting promoted, and can even serve as a motivator. It’s both the cause and the quantity that determine whether stress is good or bad. 

How to Cope with Stress in Healthy Ways 

People cope with stress in different ways, but not all methods are efficient or beneficial. Certain short-term solutions like comfort eating or drinking alcohol can lead to long-term negative consequences, so you have to be wary of how you handle stress and try to find healthy ways to keep it under control.  

Improve Your Eating Habits

What you put on your plate directly impacts your mental and physical health and, thus, your ability to cope with stress. If you want to keep your body and mind strong and healthy, you need to start by focusing on your eating habits. Limiting processed foods and eating more whole foods and homecooked meals should be your main goal. 

Apart from eating a more balanced diet, you should also strive to include ingredients that can have a positive effect on your overall well-being. Cooking with cannabis seeds has become quite a popular trend in the wellness world lately due to the high nutritional value and numerous health benefits that these seeds provide. But if you’re new to cannabis seeds and you want to expand your knowledge on the topic or explore your options, you can find out more about it at https://www.seedsman.com/

Exercise Regularly 

You probably already know that daily exercise is good for your body, but did you know that it’s also one of the most powerful allies in the fight against stress? Any form of physical activity has stress-relieving properties. Even going for a quick jog around the park, walking your dog, or commuting by bike can make a huge difference to your overall stress level. That’s because exercise supports the production of endorphins, also known as feel-good chemicals, and it takes your focus away from daily worries and tension. 

If you’re not motivated by keeping your body fit, you might be enticed by these stress-busting benefits. The key is to choose physical activities that you enjoy if you want to build a workout routine and stick to it. 

Try Different Relaxation Techniques 

While taking a break from work or spending some time in a different scenery could help you keep stress levels within the normal range, that’s not a realistic solution for most people. The good news is you don’t have to escape to a deserted island to manage stress. It’s the little things you do every day that can make the biggest difference. 

So, start by researching and trying different relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, breathing exercise, massage, tai chi, or music and art therapy. Keep an open mind, allow yourself to explore, and you’ll surely find at least one technique that works for you. 

Be Realistic 

Lastly, it’s important to set realistic expectations in your quest to reduce stress. It’s good to be motivated and do your best to keep stress at bay, but you have to understand there will be times when you’re not going to be able to have control of the situation. You’re going to experience ups and downs in every aspect of your life, so try not to judge yourself too harshly when things don’t go the way you envisioned. 

In the end, managing stress implies a learning process. It takes time and patience to grow and build yourself as a stronger person, and that means you need to take things to step by step and trust the process.

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