Ouch! 5 Causes of Wisdom Tooth Pain

February 8, 2022

Experts estimate that 5%–35% of people are born without any wisdom teeth. If you experience wisdom tooth pain, you’re probably wishing that you were among them.  

The most common causes of wisdom tooth pain stem from your third molars coming in. You may also experience wisdom tooth pain symptoms after extraction. Wisdom tooth pain can be temporary. That’s why we’re bringing you this guide to the causes of oral pain and what you can do about it. Want to stop stressing about your pain and get back to your life? Then you must read this article completely because this is exactly what you are looking for!

1. Partial Eruption

If your wisdom teeth come in correctly, they shouldn’t cause any pain. But when only part of your wisdom tooth breaks through the gums’ surface, pain ensues. 

Why? A small section of gum tissue will remain in place over the partially erupted tooth. This flap can trap food particles, which attract bacteria.

The body then initiates the immune response. Immune cells will fight off that extra bacteria to prevent infection. But with immune cells also comes swelling and pain.

2. Impaction

Most people’s jaws aren’t large enough to host more teeth than we need. So, when wisdom teeth start growing in, they can get stuck in your jawbone. This is known as impaction.

Pain and jaw stiffness are symptoms of impaction. You may also feel pain if the impacted wisdom tooth starts pushing against other teeth. Although this second issue is more commonly associated with the next cause: misalignment.

3. Misalignment

Here’s another problem when wisdom teeth don’t have enough room to grow in. While they may not become impacted, crowded wisdom teeth can come in crooked. 

And what’s bad about that? If your wisdom tooth comes in the wrong way or crooked, it can exert pressure on the rest of your teeth.

Crowded teeth are one of the most common causes of tooth pain. This is true even when you’re dealing with regular misaligned teeth. Adding an extra wisdom tooth into an already crowded mouth can make the pain even worse.

4. Infection

Impacted and partially erupted wisdom teeth are well-known causes of oral infections. As we mentioned above, teeth that don’t come in fully can serve as a beacon for infection-causing bacteria.

Not only that, but you could also develop oral abscesses and cysts. All of these conditions include pain as a symptom. And if left untreated, these nasty infections can result in gum disease and, ultimately, tooth loss. 

5. Wisdom Tooth Removal

Did you have your wisdom teeth removed recently? Then this is the most likely reason for your oral pain. But the good news is that your pain is only temporary.

Everyone experiences at least some discomfort after wisdom tooth removal. And some people deal with more pain than others. 

Jaw swelling can be so severe, you might have trouble opening your mouth wide. Or you may only experience slight swelling of the gums. Regardless, your dentist should provide you with a pain remedy post-removal so make sure you find the best-rated dentist.

How to Stop Wisdom Tooth Pain

Tired of dealing with wisdom tooth-growing pain? Or maybe extraction is causing your wisdom tooth pain in the jaw. Whatever the cause, you don’t have to live with that pain in your mouth.

Here are the remedies that can alleviate oral discomfort once and for all. 

Get Your Wisdom Tooth Removed

If you still have your wisdom teeth, it’s time to make an appointment at your local dentist’s office. That’s right: to deal with your discomfort, you have to go through a little more pain before you’re in the clear for good.

After all, there’s no way from keeping your wisdom teeth from growing. And you also can’t prevent impaction, partial eruption, or misalignment. 

What can you do? Practice good oral hygiene to fight mouth bacteria. Drink lots of water, especially after meals, and stay away from high-sugar foods that easily get trapped in your teeth. 

The other thing you can do is remove your wisdom teeth before they cause infection or periodontitis. The dentist will use anesthetics before removing your tooth. That way, you won’t experience any pain during the procedure. 

At-Home Treatments for Pain After Wisdom Tooth Removal

Post-wisdom teeth removal symptoms usually begin once the anesthesia wears off. Most people only experience discomfort for up to three days after extractions. But there are cases where people feel pain for up to two weeks.

Luckily, you don’t have to suffer in silence. After the procedure, your dentist will educate you about how to care for the wounds and what to do for your pain. Dentists often recommend:

  • Using over the counter (OTC) pain medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen
  • Doing a saltwater mouth rinse with added clove oil to fight bacteria
  • Applying ice to your jaw to reduce swelling and discomfort

Your dentist will also suggest sticking to liquids or soft foods while you’re still in pain. These foods can combat pain while ensuring your body has enough nutrients and energy to function optimally.

Dealing with One of These Causes of Wisdom Tooth Pain?

The causes of wisdom tooth pain typically stem from improper growth and infection. But you’ll also experience slight discomfort after having your wisdom teeth removed. Using this guide, you can eliminate both causes of pain.

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