Future of Healthcare: 4 Tech Advancements Reshaping Healthcare

February 8, 2022

Evolving human knowledge and technological revolution have transformed the contemporary world. The world is progressing with every passing day, and new methods of carrying out routine tasks are coming to the fore. This drastic change predicts that emerging technologies and groundbreaking innovative systems will control the world in a few years. Indeed, technology is penetrating every field and sector out there. 

This revolution of technology impacts human health as well. Technology affects humans in both negative and positive ways. According to the Etactics report, cases of major depression have increased by 52% from 2005 to 2017 because of excessive social media usage. People have eventually become habitual of advancement and take it for granted.

Fortunately, the healthcare sector is also witnessing rapid transformations as advanced technology is replacing traditional methods. Today, healthcare workers utilize innovative systems and tools to treat patients, ensure workplace collaboration, and battle unforeseeable disasters. To further explore the future of healthcare, let’s discuss four tech advancements reshaping the healthcare system. 


During the pandemic, the concept of telemedicine has become a widespread trend. Telemedicine allows patients to take consultations, diagnoses, and medicine without leaving their homes. According to CDC, the dependence on Telehealth rose by 50% in the first three months of 2020 compared to 2019. With the help of Telehealth, healthcare organizations were able to control the spread of the deadly virus by limiting patient contact. Healthcare facilities can streamline operations, handle the patient influx, and perform administrative functions more efficiently through leveraging advanced solutions. 

Likewise, technology also enables healthcare students and workers to pursue higher education and land lucrative senior positions. For instance, nurses aspiring for senior roles pursue MSN nursing online programs to hone leadership skills and further build their competencies. Such educational prospects of Healthcare also allow them to fill the gap left by the devastating effects of Covid-19 on the healthcare workforce. 

Artificial Intelligence

AI is an advanced technology providing commendable solutions to sectors worldwide.

Although it hasn’t been fully developed to its true potential, it is still tremendously impacting every sphere of life. This natural intelligence also possesses the tendency to replace human labor. For example, in China, hospitals have introduced robots to provide medicine to patients instead of humans. The implementation of AI in healthcare provides quick diagnosis, robotic assistance, automated prescriptions, and much more.

In just a few years or so, AI will take over the medical science world. It can help doctors serve patients in a more controlled and immersive environment. Treatment methods are moving towards advancement due to AI. According to a market study report, AI healthcare functions will grow at a 40% CAGR by 2024. 


Nanotechnology is a new model of providing drugs and diagnoses of disease. It can turn drugs into the smallest particle that can enter the body efficiently and effectively. Nanotechnology can help in cultivating as well. Healthcare practitioners can also utilize it for drug delivery, cancer treatments, or even minor surgeries. Doctors already use nanoparticle treatments for cancer patients. Some of these treatments are multifunctional, meaning they can diagnose and destroy cancer cells simultaneously. 

According to Max Plank Institute, innovative nano molecules can image specific body parts or directly find disease in the body. Nanotechnology also provides hope for the treatment of incurable diseases. It can even offer vaccine alternatives. Since vaccines require a moderate temperature and a robust supply chain process, scientists are working to replace injectable vaccines with nanotech.

Bio Printer

Bioprinting is a new technique used for prosthetics. This tech can bring a new revolution in healthcare. Now, scientists can print artificial human organs with blood vessels. These printing methods are increasing in healthcare laboratories. Moreover, the demand for 3D printing instruments has increased. Researchers are willing to use them to replace broken human bones too. But, although this innovation is in its infancy stage, scientists expect it to serve the global healthcare sector with life-saving solutions. 

According to The Scientist’s report, 112,000 people are still waiting for an organ transplant in the US. 3D printing can replace donors through its artificial human organs. The dental industry is already leveraging 3D models to create dental implants. Likewise, 3D models also enable surgeons to practice before they perform surgery in a natural setting.

Final Thoughts

The development of every country relies on the resilience of its healthcare system. Today, many nations are excessively investing in growing their healthcare infrastructure, and technology is aiding this process significantly. From artificial intelligence to nanotechnology and Telehealth, the healthcare industry is brimming with tremendous breakthrough innovations. One can only imagine what the future of healthcare technology has in store for the masses. Nonetheless, while new solutions come to the fore, emerging diseases and viruses pose a grave threat to the entire global healthcare system. And strengthening the worldwide healthcare community seems like the only viable solution.

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